Based on one of the most beloved Young Adult novels of all time and directed by the acclaimed DJ Cariso, Standing Up follows two kids who get bullied by a vicious summer camp prank. Left together on an island, their adventure begins once they decide not to be victims and instead Stand Up!
Standing Up is an adorable and heart warming gem of a movie with and important anti-bullying message that is suitable for the whole family! Get the DVD August 20!
What can be done to help the bullied "stand up" for themselves?
One of the best things we can do to understand the problem and discuss solutions is be inspired. The movie "Standing Up" is THAT inspiration.
Check out the Standing Up Blog App to take the to take the Do You Stand Up to Bullies? Quiz, unlock tips to BEAT THE BULLY, and sign the ANTI-BULLYING PLEDGE! And don't forget to watch the amazing movie on DVD August 20!
Standing Up is an adorable and heart warming gem of a movie with and important anti-bullying message that is suitable for the whole family! Get the DVD August 20!
What can be done to help the bullied "stand up" for themselves?
One of the best things we can do to understand the problem and discuss solutions is be inspired. The movie "Standing Up" is THAT inspiration.
Check out the Standing Up Blog App to take the to take the Do You Stand Up to Bullies? Quiz, unlock tips to BEAT THE BULLY, and sign the ANTI-BULLYING PLEDGE! And don't forget to watch the amazing movie on DVD August 20!
One lucky reader will win a autograph copy of Stand Up!