Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ten Time Saving Tips To Make Your Life as a Mom Easier!

As a mom we are always busy chasing kids or cleaning up spills. Or doing something that takes up our time. Here are a few tips that save me time:

1. Get up early. I know some days it is easier said then done but I really like getting up early so that I can have that free time to get things done. It's kinda of hard trying to get stuff done with little ones in the way.

2. Go grocery shopping early in the morning or late at night. You can usually get in and out pretty quick during those times. I for one hate grocery shopping it's my very least favorite thing to do.

3. Prepack your diaper bag! Oh this is a must! I always make sure to check everything the night before and pack extra clothes and diapers or pull ups. Never hurts to have more then not enough!

4. Pay your bills online. I have to say this saves a lot of time. We have it set up actually where our bank pays our bills. I love this feature as all we have to do is go in and check it once a month.

5. Make your grocery list early! I can't stress this one enough. I start making mine as soon as I see things are running low. If they are items on sale that you know you are going to need in the next couple weeks go ahead and stock up instead of waiting till you run out.

6. Give your kids chores. I can't say this enough. Even if they are little enlist them in something they can do. I have my 3 1/2 yr old who loves to help fold the rags. It's something so simple but something she can do. She feels included. Plus this will lighten your load.

7. Keep the laundry going. I hate when my laundry piles up. But with a house my size we are always washing at least 1 to 2 loads a day. But it's better to keep it done up then to let it pile up. Fold as soon as it's done drying really helps save time.

8. Cook ahead. It doesn't hurt to cook a couple meals ahead of time and freeze them. You never know when it might come in handy. Or you don't have time to throw something together. I love having homemade ready made meals ready. You get the great feeling of cooking the whole meal but without the wait!

9. Make a menu. I always make a menu for the week. It makes life easier and I know what I have for what. I do allow leeway so that I have 2 extra meals and I can change them around to fit my schedule.

10. Take some me time! This is a must have for every mom. I usually take my me time when all the kids are in bed. I put them down at a reasonable hour and get a hour of me time.

What tips do you have to save time?

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Starbucks blogging program, for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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